Friday, October 8, 2010

Bailey is schooling me on everything these days.It's kinda embarrassing but it kicks ass that she is so intelligent!

I think she thinks she's cute!

Love Love Love this picture!

We bought our first home!

We just bought our first home and we are very excited to get in and decorate(well at least I am)so until then I just have to get inspired for ideas..

Obviously I won't be able to create a kitchen like that but I love rustic kitchens.
I already know how I'm decorating the girls rooms but I like the simplicity of this baby room.

My little girl is 8 months...I can't believe how fast it goes!

She is such a sweet little thing but I won't lie she has for sure been a challenging baby and I have a feeling she will have those temper tantrums we all hear about.I was lucky with Bailey she was an easy baby though she didn't sleep either..There was a time during my pragnancy when I thought I had lost her so I think about that often and it keeps me patient and so so in love with her.